Set 15 Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Students are learning to connect common fractions and decimals; to connect common fractions and percentages; to find a common percentage of a quantity. Students are learning to use fractions, decimals and percentages interchangeably.
- Fractions & Decimals: Students move around the board and rename the fraction as a decimal. Replacing an opponent’s counter is allowed.
- Fractions & Percentages: Students move around the board and rename the fraction as a percentage. Replacing an opponent’s counter is allowed.
- Perky Percentages: The number on the dice is the answer to the percentage of a quantity. Players cover an appropriate question on the board.
- Four in a Row Fractions: Students need to be able to convert between common fractions, decimals and percentages. This game provides practice and allows students to make the connection between multiplication and the word ‘of’.